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The Sun's Role in Healing and Destruction in the Human Body

Related Article -The Fundamentals of Solar Healing by Scott Rauvers


Coming Soon!! Solar Endurance Consulting Services


I have coined the terms negative solar activity to represent solar weather that negatively impacts the body.  The term positive solar activity is a time the human body can push itself further and undergo more stress. Think of going to the gym for a workout. There are times you can train harder and afterwards feel stronger and more fit. However there are other times when you train that your body suffers inflammation or fatigue.


It has been approximately 15 years since the first edition of Solar Flares and Their Effect Upon Behavior and Human Health was first published.  At that time, everybody thought that my book was based upon pseudoscience. However patience and determination have thankfully ruled that out! This was before any scientific papers were published on the sun's solar flux and how it affects health.  Since my book was first published, scientific papers have been published confirming my hypothesis back in 2008 that our sun contains specific frequencies that are outside of the range of our 5 senses that affect our health and well being. Now with scientific confirmation validating that our sun does indeed affect our health, I have decided to launch the Return to Wholeness Consultation Services.

A published study discovered that people born during solar minimum have longer lifespans

Reference:Solar energy at birth and human lifespan. George E. Davis Jr and Walter E. Lowell. Sept 2018


Why is this so?  To put it in simplistic terms, our sun exhibits an 11 year cycle of solar activity that rises and falls like the tides of our ocean. When solar activity is at maximum there are more deaths and outbreaks of diseases. For example one such study, published by mathematicians F. Hoyle and N.C. Wickramasinghe at the University of Wales in England states that electrical fields associated with above average solar winds drive charged particles of viruses down through earth's upper atmosphere into the lower atmosphere, contributing to the photoelectric as one possible causal link between influenza pandemics and above average solar activity. Their findings shows a distinct corelation between increasing sunspots numbers and viruses.
Reference: Sunspots and influenza. University of Wales, School of Mathematics, Senghenydd Road, Cardiff CF2 4AG, UK.

Another study found that people living at 30 degree latitudes experience what's known as light vortexes, which produce an amplified effect that causes viruses to mutate.

Reference: The Sunspot Cycle Leads to Origin and Epidemic Mechanism of Novel Coronavirus COVID-19. Jiang Wu. Oct 2020.


Our bodies are vulnerable to the highs and lows of solar activity.  People who are under extreme stress are most at risk.  As solar activity increases, a shock wave propagates throughout our solar system. This shock wave contains within it specific frequencies that disrupt the cells of our body and weaken our immune system causing illness and feelings of unease. Each one of us has specific weak points or vulnerabilities.  If we happen to be suffering from a disease or are under stress, the resulting energies contained in the shock wave target these vulnerabilities weakening our bodies.  So when a baby is first born, if they happen to be born during a period of solar maximum, they are brought into an environment that is saturated with the energies from this shock wave caused by higher solar activities.  Because their immune system has not had time to adapt, it shocks their system and puts them at risk of dying at a younger age then people born during solar minimum.


In another study, re-confirming that periods of solar maximum also coincide with pandemics, the authors stated in their study that the human Y-chromosome haplogroup R1b is most vulnerable to the effects of COVID-19 and that  the human Y-chromosome haplogroup R1a is much more resistant to the COVID-19 virus. These chromosomes affect the human immune system and it may be that because solar activity is amplified at certain latitudes it is having a more severe impact on human Y-chromosome haplogroup R1b. The authors also go on to state that the significant genetic differences between haplogroups R1b and R1a is the difference in the body's production of human leukocyte antibodies as the immune system takes measures to resist the coronavirus. Haplogroup R1a happens to be most prominent in Poland, Ukraine, European Russia, Belarus and Slovakia. Also studies on artificially induced oxidative damage in human DNA, which is used to predict ill health, show that significant changes take place in DNA with the greatest amount of DNA damage occurring in people under 20 and over 60 years of age. The authors end the study stating that pandemics in the future may double, compared to pandemics during the 20th century. This is due to a long global minimum of solar activity which starts to decline around the 2060s.

Reference: Solar activity global minimum and genogeographic features of the COVID-19 pandemic. M Ragulskaya and E Tekutskaya.  May 2021.


Because our universe is composed of dual opposites, the opposite is also true.  During times solar activity is more quiet and calm, the human body can handle more stress and can push itself to the limits. This is especially valuable for an Olympic athlete because when they know the right times to push their bodies, when the time for competition comes, they will have the advantage of being stronger and fitter then their opponents, who may have trained during times solar activity was higher and they were unable to train as longer or as harder. Hence their endurance kicks in during an event because this endurance was created at the right time.

The Specifics


The sun's 10.7cm solar flux can be thought of as amplitude or a type of energy that widens the flow of energy. This can expand or reduce the energies that come from our sun.


Negative Solar Activity - Increased sunspots with peaking geomagnetic activity (geomagnetic storm) above 14. Extra harmful when solar wind speeds are above 350. The resulting unexpected shockwave that negatively impacts the body the most, is when solar activity has been quiet for some time and there is a sudden jump, spike or increase in solar activity, reaching above average conditions listed above.  This is further compounded the last 2 to 3 years headed towards solar maximum and when the sun's 10.7cm solar flux is increasing.


Positive Solar Activity - This is when sunspots are going into decline. It is when geomagnetic activity is starting to quiet down and when solar wind speeds are also going from high speeds to lower speeds. The positive effects are compounded when there are solar flares occurring and KP levels are above 12and the solar wind speed is just starting to enter the 350 range. This is further compounded the 2 to 3 years after solar maximum and when the sun's 10.7cm solar flux is increasing.


The Basic Healing Fundamentals

It is now a scientific fact that practicing Heartmath can dramatically reduce stress upon the body.  A research study published in May 2012 found that practicing Heartmath significantly improved immune system functioning, signifcaint reductions in stress hormones and blood pressure and improved autonomic nervous system functioning and balance. The study goes onto state that Heartmath was tested in patients diagnosed with hypertension and that Heartmath significantly reduced the patients diagnosed with Hypertension.

Reference: Coherence: A Novel Nonpharmacological Modality for Lowering Blood Pressure in Hypertensive Patients. Abdullah A. Alabdulgader. May 2012.


Solar Weather and the Heart

It is now a fact that solar activity affects the heart. A recent study published in July 2021 discovered that solar activity creates changes in the low-level EMF (3 Hz–30 kHz) which in turn affect the heart and that this phenomena may be explain episodes of sudden death and hart failures. The authors of the study conclude that above average geomagnetic activity from solar flares affect the neuro- and physiological functioning of the human body.

Reference: Methods and Experiments for Sensing Variations in Solar Activity and Defining Their Impact on Heart Variability. Michael Hanzelka et al. July 2021.


And one of the earlier studies, published 10 years after the release of my book found that the human autonomic nervous system is affected by geomagnetic and solar activity, espeically when these are at above average levels. The study also confirms my hypothesis that sharp or sudden variations in solar and geomagnetic activity (especially geomagnetic storms) put more stress on the body, which affect blood pressure, the immune system the heart and breathing. It also states that melatonin and serotonin levels are affected. This is an important finding because data shows that admittance to hospitals and emergency calls have been correlated with moon phases.

Reference: The lunar cycle: effects on human and animal behavior and physiology. Michał Zimecki. 2006.


This means that if a full moon occurs during above average solar activity that deep restful sleep is reduced; thus compouding the already stressesd out feeling from above averge solar activity. It has already been scientifically confirmed that during full moons deep sleep decreases by 30% and it takes longer to fall asleep and that a person sleeps on average 20 minutes less.  The authors of this study state this occurs due to reduced melatonin levels in the human body.

Reference: Evidence that the lunar cycle influences human sleep. Christian Cajochen et al. Aug 2013.

Getting back to the research study Long-Term Study of Heart Rate Variability Responses to Changes in the Solar and Geomagnetic Environment, the authors also found that sudden increases in Geomagnetic activity were correlated with significant increases in hospital admissions for depression, homicides, traffic accidents, mental disorders, suicide attempts and psychiatric admission.  What is also important to state here is that the study found that above average levels of geomagnetic activity affect the vulnerable regions of the body that may already be suffering from illness compounding increases in cardiac arrhythmia, alterations in blood flow, cardiovascular diseases, incidence of myocardial infarction related death, increased blood pressure and epileptic seizures.

Reference: Long-Term Study of Heart Rate Variability Responses to Changes in the Solar and Geomagnetic Environment. Abdullah Alabdulgader et al. Feb 2018.

So what if we combined the dimensions of instant healing during higher solar activity and use all this energy to strengthen the immune system of the body by practicing deep relaxation, stress release and the 4 core fundamental emotional concepts of human emotion? One could use all that energy and transmute it through a shift in consciousness to possibly facilitate instant healing through the release and transmutation of negative emotions. Because there exists so much scientific evidence that hypertension is correlated with solar acviity. It would make sense to take more herbs or substances that reduce hypertension when solar weather and geomagnetic activity is at above average levels and the body is experiencing above average stress.  A research study found that the following substances reduced stress in the body and the % of their effectiveness, or how effective it was in reducing the complications in the body that contribute to hypertension.


Pomegranate Juice 36%

Breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis) 15 to 35%

An extract of Virginia Day flower (Commelina virginica) 15 to 35%

Pima Cotton (Gossypium barbadense) 15 to 35%.

Rauwolfia (Rauwolfia serpentina). The most powerful of the hypertension relieving plants. Only small doses are necessary.  This plant also extends lifespan

Other plants and herbs include: Garlic, An extract of the leaves of Prickly Custard apple, Celery Seeds, Indian plantago, Coffee weed (Cassia occidentalis), Umbrella tree, Black bean (Castanospermum australe), Chinese Hawthorn (Crataegus pinnatifida) - extremely good effects at lowering hypertension, River Lily or Swamp Lily (Crinum glaucum), Giant dodder (Cuscuta reflexa ) exract, Carrots (Daucus carota), Hardy Fuchsia (Fuchsia magellanica), Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa) extract,  French Lavender (Lavandula stoechas),  Flaxseeds (Linum usitatissimum), Umbrella tree (Musanga cecropiodes), Nela nelli (Phyllanthus amarus), Kudzu (Pueraria lobata), Radishes, An extract of the plant stem bark Rhaptopetalum coriaceum oliver (very potent), Sesame Seeds, Wild Tomato (Solanum sisymbriifolium), Cacao, Cat's Claw Extract (Uncaria rhynchophylla) (very potent), Black plum (Vitex doniana),


Reference: Role of natural herbs in the treatment of hypertension. Nahida Tabassum and Feroz Ahmad. Jan 2011.


Over the past 2 years or so I have been documenting cases of instant healing. From all this research I have come to the conclusion that the most powerful way to facilitates an instant healing is to forgive, which causes an instant us release of energy, which in turn facilitates a more calmer, happier mind.  This makes sense, because excessive stress contributes to depression.

Reference: Stress exposure across the life span cumulatively increases depression risk and is moderated by neuroticism. Christiaan H Vinkers  et al. Sept 2014.


.......and chronic stress has been shown to increase the rate at which the body ages due to a shortening of telomeres.

Reference:  The Link between Chronic Stress and Accelerated Aging. Yegor E. Yegorov et al. July 2020.


Research now confirms that stress does indeed slow the healing of wounds.

Reference: Stress and Wound Healing. Lisa M. Christian et al. Aug 2007.



What is even more interesting is studies also show that more stress in our experiences and environment during the first 2 to 3 years life have an enormous influence on our long-term wellbeing.

Reference: The effects of stress across the lifespan on the brain, cognition and mental health: A UK biobank study. Elizabeth McManus et al. Apr 2022.


Forgiving others, including ourselves, allows us to let go and trust and enter the divine flow or what I like to call the prime directive, which realigns us with the basic fundamentals of all healing and heath, compassion, love etc. It reconnects us back to the source of who we truly are, which is loving, compassionate beings existing in a physical body undergoing experiences in life so that we may learn and grow.


The effects of higher solar activity (KP above 12)  can create a collective "trance" that may remain in the human psysc for a number of days afterwards.  This is broken by having awareness of the solar weather conditions. Also you will notice that when solar weather conditions are above average, dogs will become more hyper aware and prone to being more agitated than usual (and possibly during full moons). This has since been scientifically confirmed.

Dogs are sensitive to small variations of the Earth’s magnetic field. Vlastimil Hart et al. Dec 2013.


Try this experiment, when solar activity is in negative levels, try doing the opposite of the above and see how you feel or if any health issues come up. Then do it again on positive solar days and see how you feel. This also applies to health. You can have the best medical doctors and the best medicine, but if you don't have the basic emotional fundamentals you will still get sick or not be able to be cured by medical doctors. Healing should not and does not have to be complicated. When you know the fundamental concepts, healing is just a natural progression.  When you ignore or go against these concepts illness results, because it is violating the prime directive of life which the fundamental concepts are made of.  These are forgiveness of others, including self-forgiveness, learning to let go, empathy, love, compassion and respect for nature.


Weather Impacts Health

It is my hypothesis that the particles generated by our sun that negatively impact health not only directly impact the body, but also the weather. I have noticed during the past 10 years that when negative solar activity is rising, sudden major changes in weather will take place.  These changes are erractic, sudden and of greater scope than mild changes.   This may be causing a synergistic effect.  There are numerous scientific research studies confirming the effect of weather upon not just the human body, but the immune system as well.  Because we are headed towards solar maximum, we may very likely see extreme weather events continue up until 2060.


The sun angle

I have also noticed throughout the years when the sun is at approximately 8 degrees, negative solar activity type effects are more prevalent and when the sun is at 24 degrees, positive solar activity type effects are more prevalent. Please note this 0.8 degrees and 24 degrees occurs on average once per month and is not related to actual solar weather conditions. These are merly geo-specific angles of the sun in relation to our earth that give off specific frequencies similar to frequecnies that take place during extreme solar weather activity.


 Weaponiation & safeguards

These periods of solar activity could in theory be weaponized. However it would be easy to detect because above average levels of hypertension would be easy to detect in blood serum. Also having the knowledge about solar activity and its effect on health shown in this article is the greatest defense against this knowledge being used to build a weapon that would synergistically couple with above average solar activity and be used to harm the human body. Also because the heart is one of the vulnerable points during higher solar activity, a weapon would also be easy to detect by the unique physiological signatures that would take place in a person's heart rhythm, as well as a foreign electromagnetic field of low intensity spontaneously showing up in an environment where such a weapon would be used. It would also be easy to triangulate such a weapon, if the frequency was detected.



Article Written by Scott Rauvers, founder of


Coming soon - Acclerated Solar Healing Services

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Nature does not use a universal language, although it is speaking to us all the time.  The key is to identify what the language is, then you'll uncover its secrets.


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