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An analysis of Solar Weather of the Texas August 2019 Shooting Rampage

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This is a short summary of the Texas Shooting Rampage on Saturday August 3rd, 2019, that left 20 + dead and wounded numerous others. Than approximately 24 hours later there was an additional shooting in Dayton Ohio involving 9 dead. As tragic as these incidents are, I have discovered a pattern that exists that may be able to keep one from being in the wrong place at the wrong time when events like this occur.  I outline the details in much more clarity in my book Solar Flares and their Effects upon Human Behavior and Health (recently revised). The pattern is relatively simple.  When geomagnetic activity peaks, human emotions reach a crescendo. Some people can cope with these peaks, and others obviously act out their emotions.  For example an excellent research study has found that a 36.2% increase in depressed male hospital admissions (manic-depressive illness) occurs during the second week following geomagnetic storms, compared to times earth's geomagnetic field is quiet. 

Geomagnetic storms: association with incidence of depression as measured by hospital admission. Kay RW. March 1994.

This report was published over 25 years ago. Combine the computer revolution with an above average geomagnetic storm and you have a recipe for increased incidents of "hyper-depression". Television also plays a role in depression. The below study states that those spending 4 or more hours on a computer or in front of a television are most at risk. 

Association between screen time and depression among US adults. K.C. Madhav et al. August 2017.

Further Reading
Are Adolescents with Internet Addiction Prone to Aggressive Behavior? Jae-A Lim et al. May 2015

While there are many more details involved, which I cover in greater depth in my book. I have also published a series of reports (of which the most important are included in the book) showing how the 911 terrorist attacks as well as the Boston Marathon Bombings occurred during times earth's geomagnetic activity was peaking. You can read these reports in more detail on this page. As shown below KP activity peaked and the sun's solar wind also increased on August 5th, 2019, approximately 2 days before the mass shooting. These are times that people who are solar weather sensitive are more vulnerable to depression.

NOAA solar weather


Solar Wind Speed also showed an increase on the 5th


What is most interesting about this case is that the increase in geomagnetic activity occurred almost 2 days before the shooting.  In the majority of cases, as shown in my research, the events usually happen at the peak of geomagnetic activity. However the study quoted earlier states increases in depression can occur during the second week following a geomagnetic storm. Indeed there had been another peak in geomagnetic activity just 3 days earlier. 

In closing, I would like to point out a study that was conducted during 2012 that measured the body's reactions in real time when solar flares and disturbances of earth's geomagnetic activity took place. The study involved recording people's nervous system activity at 72-hour stretches once a week over a 5-month period between April and the end of August 2012 with a total of 960 twenty-four hour recordings. To the researchers' amazement they found that specific parts of the body responded to above average solar activity and found that some people were more sensitive to above average solar activity compared to others.

Long-Term Study of Heart Rate Variability Responses to Changes in the Solar and Geomagnetic Environment. Abdullah Alabdulgader et al. Feb 2018.
A follow-up study conducted just 2 years ago came to similar conclusions


Synchronization of Human Autonomic Nervous System Rhythms with Geomagnetic Activity in Human Subjects. Rollin McCraty et al. Jul 2017.

Further Reading
On the Nature of People's Reaction to Space Weather and Meteorological Weather Changes. Olga V. Khabarova and Svetal Dimitrova.

Long-Term Study of Heart Rate Variability Responses to Changes in the Solar and Geomagnetic Environment. Abdullah Alabdulgader, et al. Feb 2018.



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