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Secrets of the Farmer's Almanac


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Today's Biodynamic Gardening originated from the Farmer's Almanac, which showed the best times to plant and harvest crops. In rural American Farm Communities, some farms still use what's known as "the moon signs" to plant, harvest and butcher animals by. These Farmer's Almanacs began when farmers past tested their most important farm duties (harvesting, butchering, weaning, planting etc.) according to what sign the moon was in until the farmer was sure that the results were consistent over time.  Over time he would see that a pattern emerged year after year.  It was from this that the Farmer's Almanac was born. Today some households still have a farmer's almanac hanging on a nail behind the kitchen stove. Almost all of these almanacs will have a nude figure of a man with his viscera cut open and peeled back, surrounded by a circle of animals and other figures that represent the 12 zodiacal constellations.

When consulting the moon signs, one refers to the part of the body that the constellation is in, according to the approximate time the moon is rising in the eastern sky.  These body regions also have meaning in regards to crops that grow above and below the ground as I shall show in detail later on.

fWelcome to Biodynamic Gardening
In biodynamic gardening, it is said that crops that grow above the ground are best planted in the first 6 constellation signs or so, than after Sagittarius, crops that grow below the ground are best planted during the remaining 6 signs.  Crops that grow below the ground are best planted when the Moon is in any of the signs that represent the lower portion of the body. Crops that grow above the ground are best planted when the Moon is in any of the signs above the body; with the best sign being Gemini, followed by Cancer. Examples include - squash, cucumbers, tomatoes, watermelons, cantaloupes, beans and peas.

Research by Hyatt (816) states that the seeds of all crops that grow below the ground (root crops) grow very well when planted during the dark of the moon and when the Moon is in any of the signs that represent the lower portion of the body; especially Pisces. Examples include carrots, parsnips, potatoes, turnips and radishes.

Cancer = The best time to plant seeds. Seeds planted during this time germinate very quickly, especially tomatoes.

The moon in any of the following signs are said to be barren and negative for planting seeds - Gemini, Virgo, Capricorn and Aquarius.

Gemini, like Leo, is said to be a good time for killing weeds, briers poison ivy and other pests.

The Rexall Almanac states that anything planted in Gemini or Virgo grows poorly, except if you want lots of flowers plant when the Moon is in Virgo with some farmer's stating that seeds planted during Aquarius or Capricorn will be harder to grow. Rawleigh's Almanac states that Gemini and especially Aquarius is a good time to stir the soil or kill weeds.

It is interesting to note that both the Virgo and Sagittarius constellations have black holes in them. I would like to point out here that the Sagittarius constellation is right next to the center of our Milky Way Galaxy, which also has a large black hole(s).

Other Almanacs state to kill weeds in Leo, Gemini and Virgo (Randolph, p. 41).

Brown Coll. (8363), as well as other almanacs, state that if you want to plant purely for flowers, and lots of flowers, than plant when the Moon is in Virgo with the second best time when the Moon is in Libra, which is just after the constellation Virgo (Brown Coll., 8361).

The Multiplication of Crops
It is universally accepted that when the Moon is in Gemini, that crops planted during this sign will exhibit multiplication and abundance, as well as the spreading of vines. Foods include beans, cucumbers and peas. The symbol for Gemini is the twins, a perfect representation of multiplication. Hyatt, (1072) states that potatoes planted when the Moon is in Gemini will yield twice as much, however they may be rough and covered with small patches due to the extreme energy emitted when the Moon is in Gemini. Hyatt (1110) and Cutting (p. 26) also state that tomatoes will be long-bearing and smooth textured and beans will grow to a longer length (Hyatt, 974; Brown Coll., 8068) and that corn will be longer than average (Cutting, p. 45). Gemini is also used for killing weeds (Randolph p. 41).

Head Signs
When the Moon is in Aries, which rules the head of the body, planting vegetables that have a round / oval shape grow well.  These include cabbage, beets and potatoes (Whitney-Bullock, 1124).

It is interesting to note that the sap of trees will gather at the very top portions of a tree or the very bottom, depending upon the moon phase. During waning Moons, liquids in a plant or tree will gather around the roots.  During waxing Moons, the sap in trees or plants rises upwards and gathers at the tips of plants and the top portion of trees (Paungger and Poppe, 1991).

Libra for Weight
Planting when the Moon is in Libra is said to give the vegetables more weight or to make them larger in size as well as more resistant to drought.

Leo, Aries and Taurus for Strength
If strength of plants are desired they are best planted when the Moon is in Aries, Leo or Taurus. It is said that planting when the Moon is in Leo gives plants strength and makes beets more red than average. Soap and Vinegar work best made during Leo to make them strong and firm (Whitney-Bullock, 1238, 1245) and eggs hatch best in a fruitful sign (Cuting p. 22).

Additional Tips for using the Moon and its Coresponding Constellation

From personal experience, I have discovered that when I do power hiking (10+ miles over rugged mountainous terrain) that when I do it when the moon is in the descending signs (from Sagittarius towards Pisces) that my recovery time is much, much smoother and rapid compared to doing power hikes when the moon is in the upper signs (Aries to Heart).

Planting foods such as carrots, radishes, parsnips or potatoes is said to make them more longer and smooth textured.

Cancer and Leo are best for Hunting (Hyatt, 8961; Thomas, 2293) and fishing is best done when the moon is in Pisces. 

Cotton does well planted when the Moon is in Gemini (Brown Coll., 8048), tobacco in Cancer (Brown Coll., 8263), alfalfa and clover in Libra (Cutting, p. 47) and corn does well when the Moon is in either Aries, Gemini and Scorpio.

Grafting, Budding and Transplanting
These work best when the Moon is in Cancer

Pruning to Encourage Plant Growth
This is best done when the Moon is in Aries, Leo or Sagittarius and according to moon phase, pruning is best done during the moon's 1st and 2nd quarters.

Pruning to Discourage Plant Growth
Best done when the moon is also in Aries, Leo or Sagittarius and when using the moon this is best done during the moon's 3rd and 4th quarters.

Hence, the moon appears to have an amplification effect of the energies of a constellation when it comes to encouraging or discouraging plant growth in the above signs. From my experience over the years of holding my hands over my heart while allowing the Tai Chi Regenerative Energy to flow through them, I have found that the most energy felt is when the hands are held over the heart and the kidney regions. Please read my book about QI Gong Energy titled The Emerald Tablets Exercise to learn more about this facinating QI Gong science. 

Some farmers will not wean their stock during the barren signs (Aries, Leo and Virgo), especially if there is a strong easterly wind. Hence, the strong winds may enhance the energy of the constellations. It is said that the Calves will bawl for months on end and pigs will become big eared and big nosed. When it comes to weaning children, folk wisdom states that a baby should be weaned when the astrological sign is heading down the legs towards the feet and never in the head or heart signs with Pisces being the best sign.

Moon in Cancer
This is a time when anything planted tends to grow well; tomatoes grow like crazy when the Moon is in Cancer.  The moon in Cancer represents the Liver region of the body.

The Moon in Leo is so strong that it is used to remove weeds, pests and any undesirable plant life.  It is said that shrubs, briers, alders and weeds will wither and die when cut when the Moon is in Leo.  Because the LST Precognition Calendar (shown below) shows that certain stars and constellations rising in the east are favorable for enhancing one's Intuition, it may work very well if you have an entire hill of unwanted weeds or shrubs and to cut them when the brightest star in Leo (Regulus) is undergoing its Helical Rising. This would make for an interesting science experiment.  Compare the cutting down of unwanted weeds when the star Regulus is undergoing its helical rising and cut another large region when the Moon is in a water sign such as Cancer and see which period exhibits  the best reduction in weeds.

According to folklore wisdom, the Moon in Leo can also be over destructive.  For example some farmers who trimmed their clover or alfalfa crops of weeds when the Moon was in Leo were said to have lost their entire crop (Randolph, p. 41) and other farmers lost entire fields of cabbage (Hyatt, 993) because the blade they used to remove the weeds came into contact with their clover or alfalfa. Hence, it may have been the shock of just cutting a few clover or alfalfa during this time that caused the entire crop to fail.

Because Cancer is such a powerful sign, it is said that people born when the sun is in Cancer will be "courageous" or exhibit traits that make him / her "forward and bold in life".  Pisces exerts similar effects. People born when the Sun is in Pisces are said to be fond of water, or drawn to aquatic water sports. It is said that marriages should be avoided when the Moon or Sun are in Scorpio (Hoke, p. .13; cf Brown Coll 4763) and that teeth are best extracted at Moon in Sagittarius (Hyatt, 3047-3048). Teeth pulling should always be avoided when the Moon sign is in the regions that represent the head  (Hyatt).
Some farmers would not alter stock when the astrological sign was below the knees because it was said to result in an enhanced susceptibility to infection or death (Western Folklore. Apr 1957. Vol 16 No 2. Pge 78).

Vegetables like beans and peas will yield better crops when planted when the sign is in the feet (Pisces) (Brown Coll., 8214 and 7999).

Fruitful and Water signs (the feet) become destructive when it comes to gathering and harvesting as they will tend to accumulate mold and have a tendency to rot (Cutting p. 51 and Brown Coll., 8424).

Vegetables planted when the moon is in the water signs are said to help them withstand dry weather and drought.  Examples include potatoes or cucumbers which are highly susceptible to such conditions.

The best time to harvest is during Leo, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Aquarius, with Leo being the best time to Harvest.

Because nature consists of opposites, there are also moon signs which are barren, dry and fiery. The most barren ones are Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, with Sagittarius and Leo having the strongest influences.  These are times when seeds planted do not do well. It is said that potatoes planted during Sagittarius will fail to produce a single potato (Hyatt, 1076).  Could this have partly contributed to the great Irish Potato Famine?

It is interesting to note that because when the Moon is in Leo that it is a good time to destroy pests (see the Emma Mc Kinley Article for more details).  Because Leo represents the Heart, could it be that exercises that help strengthen the heart work best during the Moon's Fourth Quarter?  This would make for an excellent research project to see if people recover faster from heart surgery when the Moon is in the Fourth Quarter or if cardiovascular exercises practiced during the Moon's Fourth Quarter lead to a stronger heart etc.

Also the foods Kale and Collards grow above the ground and are very leafy vegetables. These are the best foods for maintaining dental health.  Could eating more of these foods at the Moon's First Quarter lead to overall reduced cavities?  or would harvesting them during the full moon show that Kale and Collards contain more nutrients. Once again, this would make for an excellent research study.

Biodynamic Gardening for Removal of Pests
According to the concepts of Biodynamic Gardening the methods used to get rid of pests involves the use of what's known as "Vertebrate Peppers".  These are created by burning the pest or the seeds of a weed to ash over a slow, medium heat.  Excess red heat used to turn the pest to ash causes the power to be lost, but low to medium heat until the subject matter has turned to a brown ash gets the best results.

For the natural removal of Field Mice
The process involves trapping a fairly young mouse when the constellation Scorpio is behind the planet Venus. The ash can be created either when Venus is the morning star or the evening star. Next the mouse is skinned, especially the face and front paws, and burnt to an ash while the constellation Scorpio is behind the planet Venus. Next the ash is sprinkled over the corespondening fields. Other people have placed mice into a barrel until they rot down completely and than the 'compost' is mixed with the ash from the burnt skins.   This is interesting because in my book  Correspondences of Geomancy, the 8 Trigrams, I CHING and Planetary Magickal Charts in the charts section a chart titled: Constellation, Element and Planet  (shown below), shows that the constellation Scorpio is represented by the planet Venus and the element of Water.  Perhaps the planet Jupiter also has some type of effect...

Speaking from personal experience, I have had great success removing field mice by using a mice bait called "just one bite".  I put this out when the moon is in its last quarter (or about to go totally dark) and when the moon is in Leo.  This has wiped out the mice for approximately 7 to 10 months at a time, compared to only a few weeks at a time not using this method. I also tried it during the nights  when the Helical rising of Regulus began, which is the brightest star in Leo, and had very good results.

For the natural removal of Insects
The entire insect is burned or allowed to decay when the Sun is in the sign of Taurus (which is usually the season of spring in the Northern Hemisphere). After the insect or weeds have been incinerated, one may also add the biodynamic preparations 501 and 502. 502 (yarrow) / 501 (horn silica) to enhance the cosmic light of the constellations into the soil (thus inhibiting the forces of the Moon that create pests). This preparation can also be sprayed after weeding or mowing for a reduction of 50% or more of weeds. Of course best results occur after repeat treatments.

For the natural removal of Weeds
The strongest seeds of the weeds are used. A wood burning flame is used to burn the seeds until they have turned to ash.  The weeds are incinerated when the Moon (or 2 to 3 days before a full moon) is in opposition to Mercury and / or  during the full moon.  This ash is than scattered over the fields.  After a second year far less weeds will be present. Because everything in nature is subject to a complete cycle of four years, by year four (after continued sprinkling of the ash) the weeds may have been eradicated completely .

Concentraing the Power in the Ash
If you have a large region to cover, it has been advised to mix the ash with water. Once the ash is collected it is placed in water and stirred for a few seconds until the ash has fully dissolved. After this the mixture is then strained through filter paper, and the remaining water is discarded. Next the filter paper is then dried out and the ash is recollected. This ash can then be spread out as needed.  Other people have gotten good results stirring the ashes an hour prior to applying them.

Making the Ash go Further
If you have a large region to cover and not enough ash, some people have mixed the ash by triturating it in quarry sand [0.7mm screen]. 

One Example
One person on a small farm near Otorohanga in New Zealand stated that during the year 1973 they had 100% results by pulling the weeds from a pasture and drying the seeds and roots. Next these were crushed up and burned in a vessel during the full moon (perhaps at moon in Taurus?) [An Old milk can lid in this case].  The resulting ash was then filterd, dried and crushed with an old mortar and pestle. Next one level teaspoon of ash was mixed with sand (the trituration process) in a commercial concrete mixer for an hour or so.  Next the resulting mixture was evenly spread out over a five-acre pasture during the next new moon and at a perigee moon (when the moon is closest to earth).

Venus and the Pentragram
It is interesting to note that the conjunctions of the Sun and Venus create a static pentagram of 5 conjunctions over a total period of 8 years. This causes them to appear in front of the constellations of - Sagittarius, Scorpio, Libra, Pisces and Taurus. Pentragrams are commonly used as a protection symbol by visualizing it in a blue light.

The LST Precognition Chart
If one looks at the LST Precognition Chart, one can see that these 5 constellations Libra, Pisces, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Taurus (as they are rising in the east) all have peaks of intuition, with Sagattarius having the largest peak. Perhaps intent accompanies the burning of the ash and is somehow solidified into the ash causing the pests to be repelled.

How does this Work?
The sideral Moon is a bridge for forces that descend from the 12 constellations, with the Moon bringing the force of the Sun to Earth to support plant growth. The hypothesis is that incineration of a pest creates an ash which causes a rapid and complete SEPERATION of its etheric energy which is responsible for creating the pest. Scattering its ashes or spraying them on a field when the moon is in a particular constellation establishes a clear signal of separation between the etheric and the physical; so the elemental beings that are linked to the pest no longer wish to incarnate and take up residence in the accompaning plant or its soil. When the cosmic forces can be ‘pulled or pushed out’ the accompanying environment which supports such can no longer exist and therefore die out. This is THE solution to all disease and pests.

Additional Biodynamic Gardening Actions for the Removal of Weeds and Pests

For the removal of field mice -  skin, birds skin and feathers - Venus in Scorpio (Venus behind the Sun) and the moon is in Taurus

For the removal of Insects - Sun in Taurus (Sun in Aquarius, Pisces, Aries and Gemini on to Cancer. Lesser results with Sun in Aquarius and Cancer)

For the removal of Stable fly - Sun and Moon in Gemini

For the removal of Wax moth - Sun and Moon in Aries

For the removal of Cabbage fly, Varroa Mite and turnip gall weevil Colorado beetle - Sun and Moon in Taurus

For the removal of Mole cricket - Moon in Scorpio, Sun in Taurus

For the removal of Slugs and snails - Moon in Cancer

During the moon's longer nodal periods animal pests can become more prevalent. Saturn causes the animal pests to attack the roots and Jupiter causes pests to attack leafy regions of a plant.

Biodynamic Preparations
These preparations I am about to mention are placed into a compost or manure pile where they radiate their effects outwards and throughout the material.

Yarrow is connected to the potassium and sulphur processes of soil. It helps draw in substances that are finely distributed in the atmosphere. Yarrow replenishes soil grown tired through many years of cultivation.

Chamomile is connected with living calcium. It helps stabilize plant nutrients, invigorates plant growth and dampens out excessive fermentation.
Stinging Nettle has an affinity to iron. It creates sensitive soil and helps stabilize nitrogen.

Oak Bark is rich in calcium and helps ward off plant diseases and fungal attacks.

The spring plant dandelion is connected with the silica processes.  It draws down light influences into the soil and allows the interrelationships of nature to become more effective.

Valerian has a strong affinity to phosphorous. It provides a warm blanket of warmth to the compost heap and earthworms love it.



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