One Country's Letting off of some Steam Return to Homepage


On May 5th, 2019, Israel and Palestine began fighitng again...while the mainstream media and maybe even the MIC (military & movie industrial complex) greatly exaggerate the incident, this will soon blow over without blowing up to something big. This is because we are entering a strong period of harmony where world events that relate to war are greatly reduced. More about this can be found by reading the ez3dbiz condition color chart. This period of strong harmony will be experienced during the next few weeks, making the incident very unlikely to blow up out of proportion leading to a massive war. Now the question is could it be that the reason a major outbreak will be avoided was because Washington sent an aircraft carrier? I don't think so because solar weather is the defining factor in whether or not an incident will become a major event. I cover this in great detail on my research page titled: How Excessive Geomagnetic Energy Causes Psychological Outbreaks of Violence. So one lesson can be learned here and that is avoid wasting millions of dollars when a situation is unlikely to escalate. 
Learn more about how solar weather affects human behaviour by reading Solar Flares and Their Effect Upon Behavior and Human Health