Is Bakuchiol, an anti-aging extract, obtained from the Babchi plant (Psoralea corylifolia), a natural alternative to the dangers of Retinol side Effects?

The results showed that, after 12 weeks treatment, significant improvement in lines and wrinkles, pigmentation, elasticity, firmness and overall reduction in photo-damage was observed, without usual retinol therapy-associated undesirable effects.

Multidirectional activity of bakuchiol against cellular mechanisms of facial ageing ‐ Experimental evidence for a holistic treatment approach

The most famous brands today using Bakuchiol are Safuf Bars®, Zimad Kibrit®, Svitrakaravati®, Khadirarista®, Algushadi yoga®, Sarvangasundarigutika®, Bhallatakawaleha®, Maheshwaraghrita®, Ayorajodilepa®, Brihatsomarajitaila®, Somarajighrita®, Bawchichurna®, etc. (Ali et al., 2008; Pole, 2006; Qiao et al., 2007).

Clinical Evaluation of a Nature-Based Bakuchiol Anti-Aging Moisturizer for Sensitive Skin

A natural mouthwash to help protect against cavities?
In Vitro Antimicrobial Activities of Bakuchiol against Oral Microorganisms

Applications of bakuchiol in dermatology: Systematic review of the literature

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