Condition Purple

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Non-Danger Period.

The first rise/peak in the Suns Solar Flux, with the X-Ray Background Levels at 4.0 or lower.  An Expansion of Consciousness. Extremely Lucid Dreams resulting in an induced feeling of peacefulness, overall calmness the following morning. Clarity/Solutions to problems reveal themselves. Recommendations/Advice: Moderate exercise of the body during the day.  At night, take Magnetic Water and/or with Roquefort cheese before bed. 

At the very start of a condition purple, the weather may become more erratic or change suddenly and exhibit different characteristics. After a few days of a condition purple, this erratic weather will return to normal. Condition Purples are strongest From February to April and again from August to October. Another method that boosts Lucid Dreaming is to practice Sungazing at sunset before bed.


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