November 4th, 2017 - Consumer Advisory Return to Homepage

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Solar Flares and Their Effect Upon Behavior and Human Health

I don't condone violence and I certainly don't like being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Non-Violence is key to powerful and lasting change (anyone heard of Mahatma Gandhi?) While our research at the Solar Institute is early, we have found that there is a tendency for riots and civil unrest to take place more often when the moon is in Perigee, which happens about once per month. A super perigee which is a super-moon (perigee full moon) happens about once per year.   Much of the reserach shows there is no effect between the moon phase and violence, however research is starting to show that certain solar weather conditions occurring at certain moon phases will cause a tendency for increased violence. Hence, it is these two forces, the sun and moon that govern mood and behavior. This may be due to more stress being in the environment. When a perigee SUPER-MOON occurs, it creates even more chaos during civil unrest. 

Below are 3 recent examples.

November 24th, 2014. Ferguson unrest (broke out 3 days before a perigee moon)  

April 12th, 2015. Baltimore Riots (broke out 5 days before a perigee moon) 

November 10th, 2016, Portland, Oregon riots (broke out 4 days before a SUPER-perigee moon). The Perigee Moon was Nov 14.

This bulletin is being issued in response to the upcoming ANTIFA Plan Nationwide Riots On Nov. 4th, 2017 whose sole aim is to To Forcibly Remove Trump from office.

November 4th, 2017, happens to be approximately 2 days before a perigee moon and just 4 weeks before the December 2017 SUPERMOON. if the solar weather conditions are un-favorable, we could witness major civil unrest occurring between November 4th and November 7th 2017. Caution is advised to not be in the wrong place at the wrong time on this day, especially if you live in a major metropolitan city.

Research by the Solar Institute on Solar Weather and Violence

Solar Weather and Violence

Solar Weather and Riots


Perigee Moon Calendar