The Secret of Big Pharma's Success Return to Homepage




A video posted by a 15 year pharmaceutical veteran  confirms what I, and may others, have long suspected.  Big Pharma does not want to cure you, but instead keep you drugged.  Today with numerous research studies being freely accessible online, many of which are from China, people know the truth that the right herbs and right diet can cure many illnesses.  With fast food giants spreading their obesity food diets around the world,  it is ever more important to know the truth.



Further Reading
Rapid antidepressant effects of the psychedelic ayahuasca in treatment-resistant depression: a randomized placebo-controlled trial Fernanda Palhano-Fontes

Over the last 10 years I have written 2 articles. One about how depression can be greatly alleviated, if not cured using Banisteriopsis caapi,, and the other involving Coca Cola and its manipulation of people who are nutrition experts which were paid by Coke to make it look like Coca Cola is not bad for the body. It is the intention of this webpage, to serve as a reminder of the growing evidence linking diet and, the right mental attitude, as well as the willpower to want to get well and stay well.


The Best of The Best Natural Healers

The Dr. Forsythe Cancer Cure Center

Dr. William Donald Kelley - A 93 percent cure rate on newly diagnosed cancer patients

Dr. Sabi - cured cancer and many other diseases - Dr. Sebi Speaks About Winning The NYC Supreme Court Case Against Him


Blushwood Berry

Destroys Cancer cells in hours.

Research Study 
The substance EBC-46 from Blushwood berry was shown to regress skin cancer lesions including melanoma

Additional Reading


Rick Simpson - Topical Skin Cancer Treatment - Cannabinoids for Skin cancer study

Neal Barnard, M.D., F.A.C.C. - Reversing Diabetes

Dr. Gabriel Cousens - Dr. Gabriel Cousens on Curing Diabetes

Dr. David Jockers - Multiple Sclerosis: 21 Strategies to Heal Naturally

Dr. Charles Majors - Additional info 

Len Saputo, MD

Dr. Leonard Coldwell – Spontaneous Healing - Every Cancer Can be Cured in Weeks 

Dr. Max Gerson

Dr. Khader Vali - Further Info

Dr. Peter Glidden

Dr. Edward F. Group III 

LEIGH ERIN Connealy, M.D. - The Cancer Revolution

The Cancer Truth Otto Warburg Discovered 100 Years Ago

Dr. Joanna Budwig

Dr. Linda Isaacs